Your Knees hate these simple things. Stop these and keep knees happy & Pain Free!
What makes your pelvis an “Anterior ” or ‘”Posterior” Tilt and how do you fix it!?
Crunches & Planks can make your Abs bulge out! Watch this quick trick to make sure you get FLAT Abs. Are you training your Abs to POOCH OUT? Pilates Quick Fix
Take this quick test to find out NOW! Burn Fat just by doing this!!!
Prevention is the best medicine. Get ahead of the curve and save your knees today!
After doing Cardio don’t just shower & run out the door. Real Pilates will help you recover by getting the lactic acid out & give you Longer, Stronger, more Flexible muscles!
Chest exercises alone are NOT enough to lift the bust! Sitting all day will make your bust sag but Real Pilates can help fix that!
Don’t let knee pain win! Real Pilates has the tricks you need to feel better every day!
Neck feeling CRANKY & stiff? Try these quick fix movements you can do anywhere! All you need is a wall!
Long hours at a desk, in the car & texting on your phone will HUNCH YOUR BACK & SHOULDERS! Let’s Fix that NOW!
Stretch the Quads without KILLNG the Knees! Muscles want to remember, so give them a movement to make them longer but be stronger.
Don’t let air travel stress you out! Real Pilates will help keep you from getting stiff and sore while you jet off for work or fun!
Dedicated to making authentic Pilates training accessible worldwide, empowering you to improve your well-being, achieve physical transformation, and live a balanced and vibrant life.
Pilates Master Nikki
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